Le Quoc Thanh – Excerpt From A Heaven: How To Fly

Through his work, Le Quoc Thanh skillfully blends found items with elements of Vietnamese material culture, resulting in paintings that possess a unique style entirely of their own. The use of quotidian icons, including a packet of Craven A cigarettes and black-handled scissors often found in market stalls, further enhances the distinctive cultural significance of Thanh’s work.

Throughout the exhibition, Thanh explores the instability of signs and signifiers, often repeatedly painting the numbers “123” and letters “ABC” until their meaning becomes lost. By challenging traditional linguistic and visual regimes, Thanh creates a visual language that is uniquely his own.

Excerpts From A Heaven: How To Fly” promises to be an innovative and thought-provoking exhibition that showcases the single-minded focus and unique artistic vision of Le Quoc Thanh.

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Le Quoc Thanh – Excerpt From A Heaven: How To Fly

Le Quoc Thanh – Excerpt From A Heaven: How To Fly