Natee Utarit – Deja vu: The Last Chapter Part 1: Stained Glass

Deja vu: The Last Chapter” is an exploration of the phenomenon of recalling scenes and events as if they have happened before, which forms the conceptual foundation of Utarit’s latest series. Through skillful interweaving of re-envisioning of the past and present, Utarit invites viewers to delve into the intersections of culture, identity, and history.

The series, conceived in 2019, unfolds the hypothetical journey of Buddha to the West, where he encounters Greco-Roman culture and other symbols from both the Eastern and Western worlds. Utarit’s exploration is deeply rooted in his quest for identity amidst the remnants of colonial conditioning still present in Thailand. Through a reflective analysis of his own culture, he engages in a dialogue with the colonial discourse, utilising Buddhism as a conduit to navigate Asia’s spiritual and cultural landscape.

Deja vu: The Last Chapter” features a diverse array of mediums and compositions, including painting, sculpture, embroidery, stained glass, and woodcut. Each medium corresponds to historical moments that have shaped Western

canons, challenging conventional notions of cultural and historical probability. The exhibition will be presented in three parts, spanning from April through June. The first part, starting in April, will focus on stained glass works; the second part, in May, will showcase objects and embroidery; and the final part, in June, will feature paintings. This sequential presentation adds depth and nuance to Utarit’s exploration of cultural intersections and historical reimaginings.

Through these evocative inquiries, Utarit weaves together common aspects of different cultures to craft a new narrative—one that blurs the boundaries between East and West, past and present. “Deja vu: The Last Chapter” invites viewers on a journey of exploration and introspection, where the familiar and the unfamiliar converge to reveal new layers of meaning and possibility.

Deja vu: The Last Chapter” by Natee Utarit will be on view at Richard Koh Fine Art Bangkok from 27 April to 11 May 2024.

Download the e-catalogue HERE

Natee Utarit – Deja vu: The Last Chapter Part 1: Stained Glass

Natee Utarit – Deja vu: The Last Chapter Part 1: Stained Glass